Associate Professor Manish Patel
Professor Manish Patel is a urological cancer surgeon and is regarded as an Australian leader in the management of urological malignancies. His special expertise is the surgical management of prostate, bladder and kidney cancer and he is a fully trained and experienced minimally invasive robotic surgeon.
Professor Patel completed urology training in NSW and was awarded the FRACS (Urology). He has also been awarded a uro-oncology fellowship from the world renowned Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, New York.
Prof Patel has a sub-specialty practice that focuses specifically on the diagnosis and treatment of prostate, bladder and kidney cancer. This includes the investigation of elevated PSAs, blood in the urine and tumours in the kidneys.
Prof Patel is a Clinical Professor at Macquarie University, Faculty of Health Sciences and an Associate Professor at the University of Sydney. He co-ordinates a large teaching program and leads a sizeable research team. He is an active member of many committees involved with improving care and cancer outcomes for patients and families affected by urological cancers.
His training and sub specialty interest allows him to offer patients the very latest in investigative procedures and surgical techniques and therapies. Some patients may also be appropriate for entry into clinical trials.